In the mid '90's a friend of ours rang from Motueka to ask us if we wanted a big ginger cat. He told us that the cat, 'Jason Ginger', had been owned by an old lady up there who had gone into a home and Jason was now residing in a cattery.
The cattery had been trying to find a home for Jason but because of his age at four years, there were no takers; the cattery were thinking of putting him down.
We told Dave that yes, we would like the cat but getting him all the way down to Sheffield would probably pose too much of a problem ... wouldn't it?
Dave said, "If you want to have him, I'll get him down to you".
This was at the time when Ansett Airlines were running their very popular cat ad on TV and Dave being a very enthusiastic kind of chap and full of bright ideas, decided to give Air New Zealand a bell and make a proposition. He told ANZ that if they would fly Jason to Christchurch for nothing, he would get the story in the news papers. They agreed!
Jason duly arrived at Christchurch on a 737 and we brought him home.
The funniest thing I've seen in a long, long time was when we let Jace out of his cage in the kitchen, still drugged up to the eyeballs with his mandatory dose for flying on the airline, and our pet baby wallaby went hopping by. I can still see him sitting there watching the wallaby with a pissed look on his face. I imagined him thinking, "Wow! Look at the size of that mouse!"
Dave, true to his word, not only got the story of Jason's flight to freedom on the front page of the Nelson Mail but in the Press also.

The favourite winter spot.
The greatest excitment was when I shot a rabbit and chucked it out on the lawn.
Jason owned us for the next twelve years.
Unfortunately, for the last three years of his life Jason had diabetes and was on a very strict diet; no more bunnies, and I had to give him two insulin shots a day. At sixteen years old it all got too much for him and we had to put him down.
But I reckon he had a pretty good life, with his own pet humans and a farm to roam around.
Inspired by
Gecko With Canon.