A wonderful example of how 'Leftards' will attack your opinion and try to shut you down on Kiwiblog.
If António Guterres Can’t Get Basic Facts Right, Why Should We Believe the
UN on Anything?
Antonio ‘boiling’ Guterres’s constant hysterical pronouncements are
risible. But he is still the head of the UN – the parent-organisation of
the Intergover...
1 hour ago
June 18th, 2009 at 6:12 pm
How many thousands of words have been posted about this bloody smacking thing? All about the pros and cons of smacking/disciplining kids.
You are all pissing into the wind and as long as your arse points down you will never convince the ‘other side’ of your point of view.
The ’smacking bill’ has got nothing at all to do with the welfare of the nations children. It’s all about OWNERSHIP …. the government wants to OWN all of you people. Both sides of the fence. And the lefty lickspittles with their frontal lobotomies want to help them.
A bill introduced by an MP that was not voted in, working for a socialist people engineering party that got into power with the barest minimum of votes is controlling how a whole nation can raise their OWN children, it is an absolute disgrace.
I just can’t believe how anyone can support this as an acceptable situation.
If John Key wants to treat us as ballot numbers, as the previous disgusting government did, he’s lost my vote.
Be a good poll for you to do DPF …. “How does John’s attutude affect your view of National?” “Good, Bad or Ugly?”
June 18th, 2009 at 8:18 pm
WebWrat: If John Key wants to treat us as ballot numbers, as the previous disgusting government did, he’s lost my vote.
He had your vote? You must be as stupid as the person who wrote the letter in David’s OP and didn’t know the difference between voting for Labour and ACT. It’s pathetic how all of a sudden people like you get on your moral high horses and think your vote is something that has any value or worth that you can brag about. Key made the compromise with Clark BEFORE the election, yet you still went ahead and voted for him. Therefore it’s your own fault for being such an idiot in the first place dumbass.
June 18th, 2009 at 9:05 pm
Rebel Heart.
Do me a favour an point out where I said I voted for National.
There’s a good boy.
Now you can wipe the shit off your chin.
June 18th, 2009 at 9:35 pm
WebWrat: Rebel Heart. Do me a favour an point out where I said I voted for National. There’s a good boy. Now you can wipe the shit off your chin.
You said he lost your vote, implying that he had it in the first place, dumb fuck. Eat your own shit that you failed to wipe off your own ass fool.
June 18th, 2009 at 9:38 pm
Actually I didn’t vote at all.